On 9/28/06, Jasper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Greg Ewing wrote:

> Jasper wrote:
> > The resulting .exe can't find all of it's needed parts, and
> > apparently includes a vast array of stuff that isn't needed.
> This is tangential to the OP's problem, but last
> time I tried to use py2exe, it seemed to insist
> on including tkinter in the executable, even though
> my program made no reference to it at all, and
> even if I explicitly told it not to.
> Anyone else had that problem? Any ideas on how to
> prevent it?

I have the same vestigial inclusion of tkinter (along with a dozen other
unwanted things), presumably drawn indirectly from some library I use.
I haven't tried excluding it yet though, as I'm still working on getting
it to work.

What exactly is happening? Do you mean you put tkinter in the excludes
option for py2exe, and it still showed up?

tkinter is imported (conditionally) by a few things you wouldn't
normally expect, such as PIL and pydoc. My bet is on PIL.


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