I never tested it but you can try this:

  calling simple pygame function

  # ImportError
  import pygame

And Im also not sure about this (prove me wrong ;) ): If you create later on a py2exe or py2app it will be remove all the same modules to one, so the same module will not be loaded more than once. I think I read that once on a page. There are also module variables set you can check if a module is loaded.

Am 14.10.2006 um 02:19 schrieb Kris Schnee:

How can I find out whether Pygame is currently loaded? I'd like to use a function that requires Pygame to draw something, without loading the module in the program unless that function runs?

Right now the function itself says "import pygame," but I'd like to account for the possibility that pygame will already be loaded when the file it's a part of is incorporated into a bigger project.


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