Is it this one, or a different one ?

Quoting Richard Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Thursday 19 October 2006 04:14, Bob Ippolito wrote:
> > There's always ways to optimize things later. Write the code. If it's
> > not fast enough, *profile* the code to see what's not fast, and take
> > steps to optimize that part of the code.
> > 
> > Sometimes using psyco is going to be enough, depending on which
> > platforms you care about. Otherwise you could change the rendering
> > strategy to use OpenGL (which is still the fastest way to do anything,
> > even in 2D), or writing some of the tight loops in C or C++ (possibly
> > via Pyrex).
> This is very good advice and bears repeating through just quoting it again
> :)
> I should also note that I've written quite a number of action-oriented games
> in Python now and have *never* had to resort to coding parts of them in C or
> C++.
> If you find your game is slow and you can't figure out how to improve 
> performance, I recommend asking for advice on this list. That almost always 
> results in improvements.
> For example: I went down the re-coding-in-C path once a long time ago when I
> was writing a 3D game. I coded a number of parts of the low-level rendering 
> in C in response to poor performance. Then someone clued me in to OpenGL 
> display lists. I ditched the C bits because they were *slower* than using 
> display lists.
>     Richard
> ps. there's a wiki page somewhere out there that lists python game speed
> tips. 
> I know there is. I can't find it though :(

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