To continue on the subject of full-screen scrolling, it can be done but with caveats. My game scrolls most of a 800*600 screen when moving around the map (it's a strategy thing), but even with HWSURFACE etc.. set, it's a little jerky.
Can't speak for other people, but my main machine is an AthlonXP2000 with the nVidia drivers on a 5200. Your experiences may differ, etc...

On 10/23/06, Greg Ewing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Nicola Larosa wrote:
> Sorry to rain on the parade. Before adopting Soya, one may also want to
> understand some controversy surrounding the project:

I don't know what's happening with the fork, but
the original Soya seems to be undergoing healthy
development. A fairly major new version was released
just a short time ago.


Science is open source religion

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