I didnt had a doubt on the code when I saw the lag first time, cause I already saw it in other games. Its no biggy at all and gives me a good feeling that my whenever coming game is well optimized. ;)

I still got that lag uncommenting the line. I already checked the background activities and there no jumping up performance consumpting task. What I didnt try this time is to start the demo outside WingIDE (I already did that on other games earlier with same type of lag).

All over no biggy and thanks for all answers


Am 26.10.2006 um 21:56 schrieb Brian Fisher:

what you describe sounds like what happens when a game hogs 100% of
the CPU, but some background process needs to periodically do
something (like say every 3 seconds)

Looking at the code, it doesn't have anything in it that will yield
the CPU. The solution is usually to sleep if you are getting a faster
frame rate than you need.

As a quick hack test/fix, you could try uncommenting the sleep(.01)
line, I would bet that you don't get the periodic lag anymore if you
do that

On 10/26/06, Farai Aschwanden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Nice looking rain and proper code! I experienced a tiny lag like
every 3 seconds. I experienced that also in other games/demos,
couldnt find out why. Did other ppl also experienced this and/or knew
why or is it only on my Mac?


Am 26.10.2006 um 20:40 schrieb Kamilche:

> I was inspired to create a rain generator after seeing someone
> else's on the Internet today, and thought I'd post it here:
> [code]
> import pygame
> import random
> import time
> SCREENSIZE = 640, 480
> class Rain(object):
>     ' Rain generator'
>     drops = []
>     height = 160
>     speed = 1
>     color = (255, 255, 255, 255)
>     chance = .05
>     def __init__(self, **kwargs):
>         ' Allow programmer to change settings of rain generator'
>         self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
>     def Render(self, screen):
>         ' Render the rain'
>         dirtyrects = []
>         for drop in self.drops:
>             drop.Render(dirtyrects, screen)
>             if drop.dead:
>                 self.drops.remove(drop)
>             else:
>                 dirtyrects.append(drop.rect)
>         if random.random() < self.chance:
>             self.drops.append(Rain.Drop(self.height, self.speed,
> self.color))
>         return dirtyrects
>     class Drop(object):
>         ' Rain drop used by rain generator'
>         pos = None
>         dead = 0
>         def __init__(self, height, speed, color):
>             ' Initialize the rain drop'
> w, h = 3, int((random.randint(80, 120) * height) / 100.0)
>             self.pic = pygame.Surface((w, h), pygame.SRCALPHA,
> 32).convert_alpha()
>             self.height = self.pic.get_height()
>             self.maxy = SCREENSIZE[1] + h
>             self.speed = 1
> self.pos = [random.random() * SCREENSIZE[0], - self.height]
>             factor = float(color[3])/h
>             r, g, b = color[:3]
>             for i in range(h):
>                 self.pic.fill( (r, g, b, int(factor * i)), (1, i,
> w-2, 1) )
> pygame.draw.circle(self.pic, (255, 255, 255), (1, h-2), 2)
>             self.rect = pygame.Rect(self.pos[0], self.pos[1],
> self.pic.get_width(), self.pic.get_height())
>         def Render(self, dirtyrects, screen):
>             ' Draw the rain drop'
>             self.pos[1] += self.speed
>             self.rect.topleft = self.pos
>             self.speed += .2
>             if self.pos[1] > self.maxy:
>                 self.dead = 1
>             else:
>                 screen.blit(self.pic, self.pos)
> def main():
>     # Initialize pygame
>     pygame.init()
>     screen = pygame.display.set_mode(SCREENSIZE, 0, 32)
>     # Create rain generator
>     rain = Rain()
>     # Main loop
>     nexttime = time.time()
>     ctr = 0
>     quit = 0
>     while not quit:
>         # Uncomment the following line to make the rain go slower
>         #time.sleep(.01)
>         # Track FPS
>         if time.time() > nexttime:
>             nexttime = time.time() + 1
>             print '%d fps' % ctr
>             ctr = 0
>         ctr += 1
>         # Draw rain
>         dirtyrects = rain.Render(screen)
>         # Update the screen for the dirty rectangles only
>         pygame.display.update(dirtyrects)
>         # Fill the background with the dirty rectangles only
>         for r in dirtyrects:
>             screen.fill((0, 0, 0), r)
>         # Look for user quit
>         pygame.event.pump()
>         for e in pygame.event.get():
>             if e.type in [pygame.QUIT, pygame.KEYDOWN,
>                 quit = 1
>                 break
>     # Terminate pygame
>     pygame.quit()
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>     main()
> [/code]
> If the spaces have been eaten, I also posted it at
> http://incarnation.danbo.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?
> Cat=0&Number=10483&an=0&page=0#Post10483

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