On Wed, Nov 08, 2006 at 02:18:18PM -0800, Jasper wrote:
> Luke Paireepinart wrote:
> >Jasper wrote:
> >
> >>I was giving a demo of my game today on a friend's widescreen laptop, 
> >>and my pygame/opengl app broke!  Does anyone else have any experience 
> >>with pygame windows being redrawn incorrectly after being dragged 
> >>across the windows desktop?
> >
> >I don't think there's enough info for us to help here.
> >What do you mean 'broke'?
> I mean that when you dragged the pygame window across the windows 
> desktop, that it no longer drew correctly.  The openGL quad + texture I 
> use for my startup screen was distorted, and not centered correctly.  I 
> suspect this might have something to do with the widescreen, but it 
> could also be the video card.
> However, I'm curious in general about any trouble people have had on 
> widescreen monitors, to give an idea whether to investigate the 
> widescreen or graphics card angle first, and whether I need to get ahold 
> of a widescreen monitor for testing.
> -Jasper

I have used pygame on a widescreen laptop (1024x600) with no problems at 
all (no hardware opengl on that card)

I suspect that the specific video card is far more likely to be the 
problem than the unusal monitor/desktop size-- especially since this is 
not a full-screen program (I assume not anyway, since you say you 
dragged it)

Bob the Hamster

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