Alex Holkner wrote:

Phil Hassey wrote:


Thanks for all the suggestions, I tried cx_freeze, and that seemed to work:

To run the game type
cd galcon; ./main

Are there any preferences on the distribution method I use?  I could:
- just have this tgz available with a basic README.txt on the whole ./main bit
- use the tool
- rpm / deb ?

You should include libpython in the archive: not everyone is running 32-bit Python 2.4. (for example, my system has 64-bit 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5, and 32-bit 2.3).

Actually, scratch that, I just tried it with from another package, it still doesn't work as it's also lacking 32-bit freetype. A 64-bit build (or sources) is the preferable way to go.


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