who said its superior........I was giving an example.

On 12/17/06, Luke Paireepinart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Lamonte(Scheols/Demonic) wrote:
> ... or maybe you are some forum modder or developer who just wants to
> promote something you are working on?
> ^^
> Please don't make false accusations about me. Its really disrespectful.
Please don't come on our mailing list and say your PHP forums are superior.
It's really disrespectful.
> Example of a great PHP help forum:
> http://phpfreaks.com
> On 12/17/06, Brian Fisher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 12/16/06, Scheol Service <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > I know that there is a mailing list and etc.. for Pygame support but
>> > there are other people knowing answers to questions to some noobies
>> > like me have and others know the answers and the support team doesn't
>> > always have time to answer right away so im thinking if you can start
>> > a forums based bulletin board on the pygame.org site /forums for
>> > people to help people with there pygame questions.
>> >
>> what makes you think that a forum would help with getting questions
>> answered "right away" compared to a mailing list?
>> In my opinion, an email to a mailing list is read much sooner and more
>> reliably than any forum posts. Plus I've never seen a forum that I
>> didn't think was mostly off-topic.
>> I'm curious too, do you have questions about using pygame that you
>> want answered? If so, why don't you go ahead and ask them on the
>> mailing list and see if you get a good answer?
>> ... or maybe you are some forum modder or developer who just wants to
>> promote something you are working on?

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