
Am 17.12.2006 um 03:29 schrieb Kris Schnee:

Farai Aschwanden wrote:
Am 17.12.2006 um 01:32 schrieb Kris Schnee:
I think that a 2D, flat scrolling tile system in Pygame would be a decent compromise between graphical quality and ease of programming, for my project. I can live with the game's islands being a constant height, for simplicity. One question I could use input on is about tile size.
=> What blocks you to put higher tiles on the existing tiles?
I tried doing that in isometric tiles to get a 3D-style effect. The problem was that since characters could go "behind" higher tiles and I wanted a water layer, I ended up drawing every tile in sight each frame, which was slow (15 FPS at best). For each tile I would draw the "top," then side pieces, and water if appropriate. For plain 2D (not isometric) tiles, I would be drawing a top and a set of "front" pieces for the vertical surface. I would still need to decide how to draw/redraw parts of the landscape that are in front of a character.
=> I wasnt aware of "going behind" but you were absolutely right. Not that I've tried it out but you can cheat here as I described for the water: In a 3D style area while the character is walking you could remove the lower body part of the character before blitting if he stands behind a higher obstacle or higher area in front of him.

=> 8k x 8k is probably not that big but why creating the whole area as image? Why not adding tiles when the player is moving to a certain direction. Lets say the player is moving left, so you should add tiles on the right side while removing tiles on the left side. This would allow you to create big worlds and not limited on huge images.

This might make sense, as it involves only drawing individual tiles rarely, and not a whole screen's worth per frame.
=> Sure thing! ;) How about weather effects like fog? Would give a more creepy athmosphere for certain areas. Btw Im working on a similar project just in 3D. Next thing I have to do is enemy AI (following player when sighted). I dont know if you are interesed in but could give you the code when its so far. Due my project is also tile based you might use it as well.



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