Jakub Piotr Cłapa wrote:
Kamilche wrote:
I make heavy use of Numeric in my sprite engine.
When I did the following, I was able to 'drop in' numpy as a replacement, but it took 3x longer to load my complex graphics! :-O

Maybe you could offer a reduced test case so we could check this? I'm sure numpy developers would also be interested...

Sure, here it is. It's a total hack using global variables, but it works. Numeric takes 1 second, numpy takes 2.6, doing the same operations to the same picture.


import Numeric
import numpy
import urllib
import pygame
import os
import cStringIO
import time

bg      = None
screen  = None
pic     = None
pic2    = None

def TestNumeric():
    global pic2
    pic2 = GetPic()
    array = pygame.surfarray.array3d(pic2).astype(Numeric.Int)
    alphaarray = pygame.surfarray.array_alpha(pic).astype(Numeric.UInt8)
    starttime = time.time()
    for i in range(10):
        array[:, :] = Numeric.clip(array + [20, 0, 0], 0, 255)
        pygame.surfarray.blit_array(pic2, array)
        pygame.surfarray.pixels_alpha(pic2)[:, :] = alphaarray
    print 'Numeric time: %f seconds' % (time.time() - starttime)

def TestNumpy():
    global pic2
    pic2 = GetPic()
    array = pygame.surfarray.array3d(pic2).astype(numpy.int)
alphaarray = pygame.surfarray.array_alpha(pic).astype(numpy.unsignedinteger)
    starttime = time.time()
    for i in range(10):
        array[:, :] = numpy.clip(array + [20, 0, 0], 0, 255)
        pygame.surfarray.blit_array(pic2, array)
        pygame.surfarray.pixels_alpha(pic2)[:, :] = alphaarray
    print 'numpy time:   %f seconds' % (time.time() - starttime)

def GetPic(url = 'http://www.kamilche.com/images/pygame/elf.png'):
    filename = 'elf.tga'
    if os.path.exists(filename):
        return pygame.image.load(filename)
    print 'Downloading %s' % url
    fd = urllib.urlopen(url)
    picdata = fd.read()
    pic = pygame.image.load(cStringIO.StringIO(picdata))
    pygame.image.save(pic, filename)
    return pic

def Update():
    bg.fill((64, 128, 32, 128))
    bg.blit(pic, (0, 0))
    bg.blit(pic2, (pic.get_width()+10, 0))
    screen.blit(bg, (0, 0))

def main():
    global bg, screen, pic, pic2
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600), 0, 32)
    pic = GetPic()
    pic2 = GetPic()
    bg = pygame.Surface((800, 600), pygame.SRCALPHA, 32).convert_alpha()


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