Why do you want the final release? I assume it's cause you want one
that is fully testing and finished....

If you are willing to use a version that is not fully tested and
finished, you can always use the latest Release Candidate

If you want one that is fully tested and finished, then you can't get
one until it's finished

No matter what your expectations are, what I said above is reality. If
you forced a specific release date, and released before it was
finished, then the released version wouldn't be fully tested and
finished, so you still wouldn't get what you want.

I'd suggest you relax about the exact time. You're asking people to
predict the future, and all people can ever give is their best guess.

...A better question may be what is still holding back the final
release (i.e. what is not fully tested or what is not finished). Then
you'd have a sense of the risk you'd be taking by using a release
candidate, and also people would know how they can help to finish
things sooner.

On 1/4/07, flyaflya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I want to use 1.8 in my new game,now it has been finished 90%,I have waited
the 1.8 released version almost one month,but it usually been Postponed. so
please tell me the Exact time it release.
 http://www.flyaflya.com powered by pygame+python

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