Charles Joseph Christie II wrote:
Excuse me for hijacking this thread and asking, but how hard is it to
compile programs in Windows? 'Cause in Linux you just type:

./ configure && make && make install

and you're set to go after you settle dependency problems, which I
found overwhelmingly easy the last time I tried it in PCLinuxOS. And
since you compile everything in Gentoo Linux anyway, it was as easy as

emerge pygame

and dependencies and everything were grabbed for me.

so what do Windows users go through to compile stuff? I don't think it
would be worth complaining this much about it...

I'm pretty sure you need to compile them with the same compiler that the Python interpreter was compiled with.
On Linux this is gcc or g++ or whatever, so it's no problem.
On Windows, I think they used VS 6 for 2.3, .NET 2003 for 2.4 and .NET 2005 for 2.5. Or something like that.
Anyway, so that's the first obstacle -  getting a copy of the compiler.
Then, there's no Yum or Apt or anything on Windows, so you have to browse the internets and get all the dependencies.
Also there's no makefile so you'd have to know how to set up the compiler.
If you had the right compiler it probably would take a couple of hours if you hadn't compiled a python package before.
That's just my speculation and I really don't know that much about it.

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