On Fri, 2007-04-06 at 20:02 -0400, Noah Kantrowitz wrote:
> Calling all game developers! The One Laptop Per Child project needs
> talented game developers to work on software for the XO laptops. Thanks
> to a few awesome developers, PyGame is now up and running under Sugar
> (the OLPC graphical environment) and should be included in the build
> system shortly. What we need now is games geared towards children in
> developing areas. Information about PyGame on the XO can be found at
> http://mailman.laptop.org/pipermail/games/2007-April/000036.html. I
> would ask anyone interested in either building new games or porting
> existing ones to join the OLPC games list
> (http://mailman.laptop.org/mailman/listinfo/games) and discuss your
> ideas there. This is a chance to have a major impact on the lives of
> millions of children, as well as work on a unique platform. If you have
> any questions please don't hesitate to email me, or ask on the games list.
> --Noah Kantrowitz
> OLPC Evangelist

Hi Noah,
making pygames for the OLPC project is a great idea.
Could you post to some direct links of how and where to join the project
(pygame -> olpc)?
I figure i need to download / set up an emulator to test if my game is
working on the OLPC-Computer ?

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