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On 4/8/07, Charles Joseph Christie II <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Where can I find these PEP 8 guidelines? and I am very interested in
this... I hope it gets big and gains popularity.... sounds great!

And if it can do platforming and RPG at the same time, I already have
an awesomely weird idea... no, not a Super Paper Mario clone. the
flip-3D thing is outta my league. ;)

On Mon, 09 Apr 2007 12:38:18 +1200
Greg Ewing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Kris Schnee wrote:
> > I'm trying to build a game framework that's simple and easy to use,
> > and that incorporates the ideas of a huge game space and basic
> > physics that I've been working on.
>  > I'm willing to open-source this if anyone's interested
> I'm certain there will be interest -- you can't have too
> many open-source easy-to-use game libraries!-)
> > does it seem reasonable to build a goodly chunk of the game
> > character code into the simulation, ie. having RPG stats mixed in
> > with the class that handles the physics of living creatures?
> It would be better to separate the RPG stuff into a
> separate class or classes that can be used as mixins
> or by aggregation ("has-a" rather than "is-a") by
> the game author. Also put those classes in a separate
> module, so if the RPG stats aren't being used, that
> whole module can be left out of the game distribution.
>  > import Nutshell
>  > w = Nutshell.BasicWorldsim()
>  > w.MakeEntity(nature="Object",name="Pretzel",velocity=[1.0,0.0,0.0])
>  > w.SimulationStep()
> A minor point -- if you're intending to release this,
> you ought to consider following the PEP 8 guidelines
> for naming.
> --
> Greg

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