Also, would doing it this way require me to make Bullet inherit

On 4/9/07, Charles Joseph Christie II <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

That's not quite what I meant... I'm bad at describing things.

Let's see... um... my drawing code uses the RenderUpdates method.

At the top of the main loop, I have:

all = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates()

after that, I have all the classes listed as:

textsprite = Textsprite([])

the text I want shows up in the brackets. I'll be changing that later

Next, I have all.add(textsprite) which makes the game update the
sprites in the listed classes, in this case textsprite.

A little later down, I have:

all.clear(screen, background)
dirty = all.draw(screen)

which would redraw all the sprites on the screen that have changed
without updating the ones that haven't. My question is, what do I have
to put in all.add to get the bullets to actually show up on screen?

On Mon, 09 Apr 2007 15:38:25 -0400
Kris Schnee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Charles Christie wrote:
> > Now my questions are:
> >
> > A. If this is really all I have to do, how do I get the bullets to
> > register with my screen redrawing class? I use that dirty rect
> > update method where you have to specify the class with the sprite
> > class.
> If you want the bullet objects to have a reference back to the object
> running the game (if any), you can give them that reference. Say:
> class Game:
>       ...
>       def MakeBullet(self):
>               self.bullets.append(self, Bullet() )
> class Bullet:
>       def __init__(self,game_object):
>               self.game_object = game_object
> If you do that, the bullets can then call functions of the game
> object. I do that for the ships in my game so they can say, "Hey, I
> got destroyed," but not for bullets. Also I've got separate lists for
> player and enemy bullets to simplify collision detection.

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