James Paige wrote:
My keyboard has always done that too. Most keyboards have problems like that.

A good workaround is to use CTRL instead of space. CTRL mixes better with arrow keys on almost all computers.

I have also had good luck with Z and X on many keyboards, in case you need more keys.

That one link about finding alternate key mappings sounds like a game in itself!

I had been thinking of a control scheme based around these actions:
-Walk/Run (8 directions, manual, probably with a toggle for walk/run)
-Left Hand (automatically pick up nearby object or use tool in hand)
-Right Hand
-Open dialogue box for typing messages/special commands
-Inventory Screen
-System Screen

Since the arrow keys are right there, I assumed movement would be done with the arrow keys, and the "hands" with LCTRL and LALT. But it's actually more common in console games to move with the left hand and attack/grab/yodel with the right. Switching to using WASD for movement does seem to eliminate the weird "can't jump northwest" problem.

"If the right don't get you, then the left one will."

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