On Saturday 28 April 2007 05:17:12 pm Kris Schnee wrote:
> p p wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > PyInstaller.
> > PyInstaller is a program that converts (packages) Python programs into
> > stand-alone executables, under Windows, Linux and Irix.
> >
> > P.Kort
> How does that work with the GPL, though? I still don't fully understand
> the thing, but it seems like you're obligated, if you make a Pygame
> game, to distribute it in such a way that people can try plugging in a
> new version of Pygame. I don't necessarily want to make all of my code
> public, so I'm uneasy about the licensing.
> Kris

Why not?

Also, what does the GPL have to do with anything? Is pyinstaller GPL?

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