On Tue, May 08, 2007 at 08:20:20AM +1000, Richard Jones wrote:
> On Tue, 8 May 2007, James Paige wrote:
> > Okay, I gotta step in here. Non-linux users should stop trying to impose
> > a windows-style installation scheme on Linux users.
> >
> > rpm's debs' and ebuilds are all great systems. All three of them do
> > something really tremendously important that windows/mac users often
> > fail to understand-- they handle dependencies.
> >
> > When packaging for Linux, you should NOT be trying to bundle in a copy
> > of python and pygame and all other dependencies. You should instead use
> > a packaging format which simply describes the packages/versions that it
> > depends on. The package manager handles the rest.
> Without wanting to be too rude about it, I have to say that's an interesting 
> fantasy world you live in there :)
> 1. while I'd like to believe that we'll magically get packages for all the 
> games produced by PyWeek I know it's never going to happen.

Okay, I am exaggerating, but I honestly have had strangers mail me and 
say "Hey! I am making an ebuild for you! Is that okay?" Your mileage may 

I'll bet you a dollar that both the winners of the recent pyweek 
("Barbie Seahorse Adventures" and "Which way is up?") will be in Ubuntu 
multiverse before 2 months have passed (and to make if fair, the 
packaging has to be done by someone who isn't me :)

> 2. you'll never, ever get the library version sets correct. One game will 
> require library X version 1.1.1, another version 1.1.2 (assume there's binary 
> incompatibility between the two ;). You can't expect Linux distributions to 
> maintain so many library versions, or cope with them all being installed. 
> This means there's no single "dependency" that can satisfy all game's 
> requirement for "library X".

I disagree-- every pygame game I try works for me out-of-the-box without 
worrying about versions. I haven't encountered a pygame game yet that 
required a library or library-version that wasn't readily available to 

> 3. I'm speaking as a happy Ubuntu user here, but even synaptic etc. on Ubuntu 
> can't hold a candle to the drag-n-drop installation of applications under OS 
> X.

The mac drag-and-drop app installation thing is nice-- and I admit I 
would prefer it as an alternative to windows-style installers if it were 
available on linux

James "I'm Totally Good For That Dollar" Paige

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