Hi John,

----- Original Message ----
From: John Eriksson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: pygame-users@seul.org
Sent: Tuesday, 29 May, 2007 3:19:26 PM
Subject: [pygame] Mouse and Fullscreen


I'm having some troubles using the mouse pointer when setting the
display to fullscreen. I have no problems on Linux but in Windows the
mouse doesnät show up. (Maybe just some occasional flicker.)

Is this known problem or am I doing something wrong.

I'm trying to set the resolution to 800x600.

Best Regards

Before switching to Python, I was writing a Java SDL app, and encountered the 
same problem. I wrote code to display a custom mouse pointer, which worked in a 
Windows window but never in fullscreen mode. Actually, it did kind-of show, 
appearing once in a while right near the other cursor. So, I was getting a mix 
of two cursors. This was so annoying, especially since I went to the trouble of 
having a custom animated cursor. I checked out the docs on SDL website and 
found that other people had the same trouble. The author of SDL said that it's 
currently a bug and that it may be addressed in a future version of SDL. The 
problem, if I recall, is that SDL can only blit the cursor on one of the two 
page-flipped frames (the secondary one, never the primary). Although I'm new at 
Pygame, I think its graphics functionality is all SDL-based, so the effect 
you're getting doesn't surprise me. Maybe some Pygame guru can solve the 
problem, but if it's an underlying SDL problem, you're
 probably out of luck, as I was!



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