Richard Goedeken wrote:
After much searching, I found the 'magic' preprocessor definitions to
determine compiler and CPU architecture.  They are "__GNUC__",
"__i386__", and "__x86_64__".  This should work under Linux, mingw, OSX,
etc; basically any platform with GCC and an MMX-capable CPU.  I have
tested and verified that it works under Gentoo/x86_64 and Ubuntu7.04/i686.

The attached zip contains a 'transform.c' which is based on v1.7.1 and
includes the new smoothscale function with compile-time checks to
include the MMX routines for compilation and a run-time check via
SDL_cpuinfo.  The modified '' is no longer needed.
So are you still going to use runtime checks for us Windoze folks?
I was wondering- MMX doesn't have anything to do with processor architecture as far as 32-bit vs 64-bit, does it? I thought it was just a feature some processors had and some didn't. Or is that what the i in 'i386' specifies? that it has MMX?

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