Probably cracked by an eleven year old.   :)

I remember doing something similar at that age with tetris on my Commodore
64. No need to crack, you could just copy the thing, but hex editing the
binaries and putting my handle in there was oh so satisfying.

On 6/25/07, Greg Ewing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> There seems to be a file in the Tendrils package labeled "crack.nfo",
> which when opened in Notepad begins:
> "KR4XX0R3D       . . . . \  .  .\
>     BY         \. . . . .\.  . .\                                /
> [{BaSaLiSk}]    \. .....   <@> |.\                              /
>      of          \......   \"/ |..\
ABCGi                  /        . /
> -={ARK-MOO-CRU}=-"

That's weird. I have a copy of Tendrils which, as far as
I remember, I got by following the link from the PyGame
website (now dead) -- and it contains this file too.

It doesn't seem to make any sense -- what need is there
to crack an open-source game?

Maybe it's an easter egg put there by the author?

Anyway, if anyone wants the version I've got, let me
know (it's called "", sized
48MB). I can also supply a version that's been turned
into a MacOSX .app if wanted.


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