Alright. I don't know if I'm going to be using that MVC stuff... although I 
might reprogram the game to use it later, if I decide it'll be better... but 
I want to start a game now! I'm so bored just sitting here that I may as well 
start something.

So now, I'm going to get started. But the problem is that the last time I 
tried it, I over-complicated it by using advanced sprite functions that I 
didn't understand at all. I'm still trying to figure out an eaiser way to 
draw stuff than making everything a class and making it extend from 
pygame.sprite.Sprite (painful >.<)

Also, some concepts of object orientation seem to have bit me. How should I 
have classes interact with each other? I know I was doing it completely wrong 
last time, and one of my friends called me on it. But I forgot how he said I 
should do it...

Well, I'm going to see if I can drum up something usable...

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