Kris Schnee wrote:
The idea is that instead of calling a shop screen from a walking-around screen, which risks having you get into some tangled recursion, the program "drops" from the walking screen back to the main loop, with a state variable saying "the next screen to go to is the shop screen."

This sounds similar to the way I've organised a couple of
my recent PyGame entries. I have a Shell object at the top
which implements the main loop. The Shell has an instance
variable called current_screen which at any moment points
to one of a number of different Screen subclasses which
present different user interfaces. The Screen objects have
methods for drawing the display, handling input events,

All the Screen objects hold a reference to a single Game
object which contains all of the game state (the "model"
in MVC terminology).

                            +-------------+        +----------+
                            |             |        |          |
                            |   Screen1   |------->|          |
                            |             |        |          |
+------------------+        +-------------+        |          |
|                  |                               |          |
|     Shell        |        +-------------+        |          |
|                  |        |             |        |          |
|  current_screen --------->|   Screen2   |------->|   Game   |
|                  |        |             |        |          |
+------------------+        +-------------+        |          |
                                                   |          |
                            +-------------+        |          |
                            |             |        |          |
                            |   Screen3   |------->|          |
                            |             |        |          |
                            +-------------+        +----------+

(I'm going to have to write a wysiwig ascii-art drawing
editor one day...)


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