Try looking at glOrtho2D() or something like that...  Why do you want to use
PyOpenGL for 2D-ness?  It's much better suited to 3D stuff.  I've always
found it easier to use pygame for 2D games.  Oh, and ummm...  Don't tell
Silicon Graphics, but I've found pygame is much much faster at 2D.

On 7/7/07, Charles Joseph Christie II <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So, I'm trying to find a single good newbie tutorial for using PyOpenGL
for 2D
graphics. I haven't found a single one yet, although I have found a few
focus on C++. Some people recommended that I take a look at the NEHE
tutorials that were re-coded in python on the python page, but those only
from 1 to 10. Does anyone know where I could find a good starting point
doesn't have to be a super-noobish tutorial, just something to give me
examples on how to start) for using PyOpenGL in conjunction with Pygame
making something?

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