PyMedia claims to support this, though it mentions you may need to
"play" the file for a second or two to initialize decoding and get the
full length.


Dave LeCompte (really) wrote:
>> "Ian Mallett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 7/14/07, Dave LeCompte (really) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> That works for OGG and WAV sounds, but does not work for other music
>>> files, like MP3, MOD, and MIDI, right?
>> Oh, opps.  You're probably right.  I'm curious now, why don't you know the
>> length of the file?
> Conceivably, you might want to intelligently deal with music provided by
> the user. For example:
> - some games, including "The Sims", allow players to put their own music
> into a certain directory, and the game will take advantage of the music.
> - some games, including "Monster Rancher", use user-provided music as an
> integral part of gameplay. With "Monster Rancher", players inserted a CD,
> which seeded the procedural content routines for making monsters.
> I was thinking more about some crude ways to get approximate answers, and
> I was thinking that the file size on disk might be a guide to the duration
> of the song. For MP3, I think typical compression ratios (vs a 44kHz 16
> bit stereo WAV file) is something like 11:1, so you can do the math (or,
> better yet, just look at a collection of known MP3s and figure out an
> average multipler) to convert from bytes to seconds.
> However, this doesn't work for MIDI or MOD music - for MIDI, a song with
> four instruments playing in harmony might use four times the space as a
> solo for the same length of time. MOD music is even less predictable, as
> the sound patches are a large part of the file size, and there's little
> knowing how many times any patch might be used.
> That said, I think that specific modules for the various file types exist
> that could be used to determine the duration of MP3 and MIDI, and maybe
> even MOD.
> -Dave LeCompte

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