Laura Creighton wrote:
00:00 UTC 2007-09-02 to 00:00 UTC 2007-09-09 exactly.  See

PyconUK is happening. 8th and 9th September.

This means that those of us who generally do not see each other but are
going to PyconUK could put together an entry and then sprint together
on it before PyCon UK.  There would be this terrible torment -- do
I attend the con or get my game to work -- but it is still the
best chance some of us have to work together yet.

Talk to me if you are interested in maybe making a PyconUK pygame
team.  I think that this could be a lot of fun.  Sign up on if you think so, as well.  But mail me.

John -- assuming we want to meet up _before_ PyConUK -- can that
work?  Can you point us at a cheap hostel for a few days?

Laura Creighton
Laura - Pyweek is happening the first week in September, not august.
Thanks for giving me a good scare, thinking i missed the first half already!

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