elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                    print pygame.mouse.get_pos() + (25,25)
                    print MAP.blocks[2].point
                    mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                    rng = mouse[0] - MAP.blocks[2].point[0]
                    rng2 = mouse[1] - MAP.blocks[2].point[1]
                    if rng in range(0,25) and rng2 in range(0,25):
                        print "True"
Checks to see if I'm clicking the third square rendered from the text file


On 9/13/07, Lamonte Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Whups major flaw forgot to check if the height also.
> On 9/13/07, Lamonte(Scheols/Demonic) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I'm sort of doing it a big differently, right now I'm just testing, but
> > I can tell if my mouse position is in the second square block like so:
> >
> >                 elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
> >                     print pygame.mouse.get_pos() + (25,25)
> >                     print MAP.blocks[2].point
> >                     mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
> >                     mouse = mouse[0]
> >                     block = MAP.blocks[2].point[0]
> >                     rng = mouse - block
> >                     if rng in range(0,25):
> >                         print "True"
> >
> > snippet from my script. Since all the squares are 25,25 height and
> > width  Theres an even amount so it subtracts the first tuple value in the
> > mouse position from the first tuple value in the block position then I check
> > to see if I ranged with in the width of the block to see if im still in it
> > and it works out well.  I'm getting to what I want my script to do :).
> >
> > On 9/13/07, DR0ID < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi
> > >
> > > as you can see from the documentation, the mouse event provides you
> > > the position:
> > >
> > >     MOUSEMOTION      pos, rel, buttons
> > >     MOUSEBUTTONUP    pos, button
> > >     MOUSEBUTTONDOWN  pos, button
> > >
> > > so no need to use pygame.mouse.get_position() (well it another way to
> > > get it, perhaps if you dont have events).
> > >
> > > I think you can find the tile colliding with the mouse faster doing:
> > >
> > > x_tile = mouse_pos_x/tile_width
> > > y_tile = mouse_pos_y/tile_height
> > >
> > > instead of using a rect collision function. (well if you have
> > > scrolling then you need to add some offsets,
> > > but that should not be that difficult).
> > >
> > > As for the tileset and map I would go the way as Luke has proposed.
> > >
> > > ~DR0ID
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Luke Paireepinart schrieb:
> > > > Lamonte Harris wrote:
> > > >> Problem Solving 1
> > > >> --------
> > > >> Rendering a map switching script.  There will be a simple
> > > window.  At
> > > >> the bottom if tge screen it will say pick a map.  Using the mouse
> > > >> events and positioning I will be able to click on the squares that
> > > >> will represent certain maps at the bottom of the screen and the
> > > >> different maps will be displayed.
> > > >>
> > > >> How to do that?
> > > >> ---
> > > >> First make my "genmap" class then in the __init__ function add 2
> > > >> variables "self.cmap " and "self.blockrect".  "self.cmap" would
> > > >> represent the current map to be displayed.  If there isn't a
> > > variable
> > > >> assigned then the area above the boxes will not be displayed.  Make
> > > a
> > > >> function to display the tile maps.  With that function I would
> > > append
> > > >> square rects to te " self.blockrect" variable for later use to
> > > detect
> > > >> if the current mouse position will match any of the rects when I
> > > left
> > > >> mouse click on the pygame window.  In that list, there could be
> > > >> tuples inside the list for instance:
> > > >>
> > > >> self.blockrect = [((0,0,0,0),1)]
> > > >>
> > > >> The first value in the tuple would be the map rect second value in
> > > >> the tuple would represent the map name in the directory to load.
> > > >>
> > > >> How would I get the current top surface of where my mouse is
> > > located?
> > > >> Just giving a guess, I was thinking of making a square surface
> > > thats
> > > >> the same size of the sqaures at the bottom of the screen but the
> > > >> sqaures at the bottom of the screen have different possitioning
> > > >> meaning its easier to located different maps. Like example:
> > > >>
> > > >> Pygame Window:
> > > >> ----------------------------------------
> > > >> |                          ___       |
> > > >> |          |--\_/--|  /-\ |___|      |
> > > >> |          |_/\/\_| /---\|            |
> > > >> |                                      |
> > > >> |                                      |
> > > >> |                                      |
> > > >>  --------------------------------------
> > > >> |   ------     ------    ------         |
> > > >> |   |    |     |     |   |      |         |
> > > >> |   ------     ------    ------         |
> > > >>  --------------------------------------
> > > >>
> > > >>  Thats above is the whole window its all one big part but sort of
> > > >> seperated if you get what I mean.  Probably by a pygame line.
> > > >>
> > > >>  So I was thinking if I made an invisible rect that moved when the
> > > >> mouse moved then I left clicked and it would get the current
> > > surface
> > > >> position of the rect, then it would run a function to see if that
> > > >> current position matches any of the map squares at the bottom of
> > > the
> > > >> screen then the " self.cmap" variable would update.
> > > >>
> > > >>
> > > >> Does anyone think my theory will work, I've only written then down
> > > at
> > > >> school and is attempting to do this this weekend for some more
> > > >> learning with pygame.
> > > > It's a little hard to follow.
> > > > For example, what is this talk about an invisible rect that follows
> > > > the mouse?
> > > > All you care about are mouse clicks.  So when the mouse clicks (when
> > > > you're parsing events and you come across a MOUSEBUTTONDOWN or
> > > > whatever the event is called) you just call pygame.mouse.get_pos()
> > > and
> > > > you have the current position.  You don't have to constantly track
> > > the
> > > > position.
> > > > and I'm not sure what your self.blockrect and self.cmap stuff was
> > > about.
> > > > I would say to do it like this off the top of my head:
> > > > import pygame, os
> > > > class Tileset(object):
> > > >  def __init__(self, tiletuplelist):
> > > >    """tiletuplelist is of the form [(tilename, tilelocation)]
> > > >    self.tiles = {}
> > > >    for tilepair in tiletuplelist:
> > > >      self.tiles[tilepair[0]] = pygame.image.load(tilepair[1])
> > > >
> > > > class Map(object):
> > > >  def __init__(self, mapdata, tileset):
> > > >    """mapdata is a 2d array of strings that are the tilenames for
> > > each
> > > > location."""
> > > >    self.map = mapdata
> > > >    self.tileset = tileset
> > > >  def drawmap(self, location, maxh, maxw, screen):
> > > >    """location is a tuple"""
> > > >    #using position and maxwidth and maxheight, and the
> > > >    #data about the tile sizes from the tileset, you can make sure
> > > >    #you don't draw out of bounds.
> > > >
> > > > So basically you'd construct one tileset like this
> > > > tiles = Tileset(['grass','grass.bmp','dirt','dirt.bmp'])
> > > > Then you'd make a map like this:
> > > > map1 = Map([["grass","dirt"],["dirt","grass"]], tiles)
> > > >
> > > > then whenever you wanted to draw map1 you'd just call map1.draw
> > > > and it would draw itself using your tileset.
> > > > So if you wanted to change your tileset later you could, easily.
> > > > Also, because the tileset is referenced by variable names instead of
> > >
> > > > indices, it'll be easy to list all possible tiles for selection.
> > > > and since each map is a different object, you just have to clear the
> > > > screen and call map2.draw() when you want to switch maps.  It makes
> > > > everything simple.
> > > > I'm not claiming the code works or that's the best way to do it, but
> > > > that's just what I came up with on first glance.
> > > >
> > > > Also as you were mentioning earlier, you wanted to use rects of
> > > > existing tiles to collide with the mouse to see if they had selected
> > > a
> > > > tile, but you want them to be able to select any tile, even blank
> > > > ones, right?
> > > > Blah, there are too many considerations that are going to be
> > > > particular to your implementation. You can look at Phil Hassey's PGU
> > > > for ideas on tile editors.  His is pretty slick.
> > > > -Luke
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > --
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