So, Do you mean to draw an entire background -the board in this case-
and then define areas? I mean, defining an area of action over a square,
so when you click it, the question appears?

Sorry for my English, it's being a long time since I used it for the
last time :)..
El mar, 18-09-2007 a las 11:20 -0400, Samuel Mankins escribió:
> Ian Mallett wrote:
> >     It doesn't really matter which way you do it, but I would
> > recommend making the entire thing all at once, as I see no advantage
> > to having individual squares, and it would make programming less
> > complicated.
> > Ian
> >
> >
> >   
> I would make a square of the appropriate size of one color, and load it 
> using this function:
> def load_image(name):
>     fullname = os.path.join('images')
>     fullname = os.path.join(fullname, name)
>     try:
>         image = pygame.image.load(fullname)
>     except pygame.error, message:
>         print 'Cannot load image:', fullname
>         raise SystemExit, message
>     image = image.convert()
>     colorkey = image.get_at((0,0))
>     image.set_colorkey(colorkey, RLEACCEL)
>     return image, image.get_rect()
> Then use it for all the squares, and define their coordinates by pixel. 
> The result is a whole bunch of little, invisible squares, each one 
> having a question attached to it, that the player can click on, and 
> behind that a background image that doesn't change.
> This might be more trouble than it's worth for the sort of thing you're 
> aiming for--I used it when building a small RPG where the background was 
> a complete image for each area and the blocks were defined as being 
> either "Player can't walk here", "Player can walk here", or "Player 
> meets monsters here", so that (if I could actually draw on a computer) 
> each area would have a pretty background.
> Anyway, I hope that helps. God luck!

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