inhahe wrote:

maybe it does in a more current version of pygame. you mentioned a
more current version has width and height in pygame.display.Info().
mine doesn't. but mine is 1.7.1release, and that's the latest
available for download on the webpage, do you mean i'd have to get the
SVN and try to compile it for windows myself?

Here is a Windows installer for the latest SVN version of Pygame 1.8.0rc3 for Python 2.5.1 .

The md5 sum is :

66a88022a288e53da5ce1d85f2031d5e *pygame-1.8.0rc3.win32-py2.5.exe

It has all the dependencies and is built around SDL 1.2.12 : Details can be found at the MinGw build section of the Pygame wiki. The client area does appear to line up with the window when maximized, though the bottom is hidden if the task bar set to auto-hide.

Lenard Lindstrom

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