On, Wed Dec 12, 2007, Patrick Mullen wrote:

> Good advice, however I feel that the people who would most benefit
> from it may not be listening here.  Also, even though it's linked on
> the front page, I always seem to forget about the cookbook.  Thanks
> for the reminder.  The next time I do something I feel is
> clever/useful, maybe I'll put it there, since an actual distributable
> project is so rare!
> I would also like to add that people who have nothing yet to show of
> their project has no business posting.  It's called a release, maybe
> if there were a pre-release section it would be different.  If you cry
> wolf by "announcing" a release, people may skip over the next release
> which actually has something to say.
> Are there any moderator abilities to go through and remove some of the
> spam?  Possibly with a warning first?

It seems that you haven't read the news on pygame.org. I ran a small
cleanup a few weeks ago, removing gazillons of dead or incomplete
projects, which were silent for several months. I do not see any new
projects besides one (zak) at the moment, which are empty. If you have
seen one, feel free to tell me and I'll put it on my list for the
cleanup session.


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