On Feb 13, 2008 4:02 PM, Greg Ewing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In my experience, doing anything in 3D is very hard work,
> and if you don't tackle the most important parts first,
> there's a danger of running out of steam before you
> get it finished.
  Greg is correct.  Do the most important stuff first, even though it is
often annoying to work on the basecode when you really want to write the fun
parts.  If you try to hang the game on a non-existent skeleton, you will
have problems.  And, continuing the metaphor, putting the skeleton in after
assembling the outside requires destroying parts of the skin and organs.  It
is also less efficient, reliable, and it takes longer.  Just do the basecode

  Also, you must make sure you do it right.  Skeletal problems are hard to
fix later.  In particular, the draw function in which you implement the
camera is by far the most important.  Problems here can affect your code
horribly later.  Make sure it is right.  I recommend writing it by drawing a
simple object (say, a cube) and then build the code, constantly testing.  It
hurts in the short term, but it will pay off in the long run.


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