On, Tue Feb 19, 2008, Devin Jeanpierre wrote:

> So that's it, huh? Pygame refuses to take responsibility for its own channel?

Let's see. #pygame's not registered by any of the project members, in
fact it is not even registered. How dare you to say one of the pygame
members then should take resposibility for it?
It's announced on the pygame.org website, but noone claims it to be the
official support channel run by any project member. 

That on the one hand. On the other you call someone troll without
bringing any evidence, but only two random citations, which you could
have made up. So far so good.

There are some rude words from time to time in the channel, but those
who usually get rude are not trolling, but give some (although
subjective) critics on whatever one asked, which - if spent some more
time thinking over it - mostly will show you your problem or at least
give you some rethinking about it (read: help to help yourself). If it's
some sort of stupid comment for you, put those people on your ignore
list. I still will talk to most them due to two reasons:

* those who turn out to be some more rude, are not trolls and no dumb
  people either - in fact for more experienced people discussions with
  them mostly turn out to be pretty interesting. In the years I'm
  hanging around on #pygame I only noticed a troll once, who wanted 
  to start a flamewar over ruby vs. python
* when they start to get really rude, so someone could feel insulted, I
  noticed that the person in charge is mostly either pretty ignorant on
  their rough, yet true comments or simply talks rubbish

I do not know, if the latter reason applies to you, but I do not imply
it as well, so do not take it as an insult from my side :-).

> I suppose what I can do is talk to the user jeremyb about ##pygame.
> With luck, I could ask the FreeNode staff to shut down #pygame and
> redirect to ##pygame, like they did with #physics and ##physics when
> #physics got deregistered. Getting #pygame back to the Pygame project
> was my first option, but, well, no luck.

As said, ignore them, ask your question and wait patiently for someone
to answer it. Mostly even the weirdest question will receive some
answer, depending on who's around and willing to answer you.


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