This kind of thing always stinks. It looks like you are running on windows, so I don't have a lot of ideas. Did your computer run a chkdsk when booting? If not, perhaps let it, or just check the drives manually.

If you are using an IDE like Eclipse, it keeps a history of your local changes for the past few days, you might be able to recover that way.

The good news, in my experience, code is always cleaner the second time around. But it's always a pain recreating.

Kris Schnee wrote:
Earlier today I was coding intensively enough that my laptop ran out of power. Although I kept saving my work in the process of testing things, when I later powered up the laptop, I found that my main program had been overwritten by what shows up as a bunch of little squares. I'm not sure why this happened, and am not pleased, as my most recent backup copy is from 1.29. Is there anything I can do about this?

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