pyTTS is a wrapper round the MS Speech API - its pretty good. I prefer
it to Festival and have used it in a few programs.


On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 4:32 PM, FT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hi!
>     Below is a page of the tutorial that you will find at the web site.
>  On Fri, 29 Feb 2008 11:16:26 -0500, "FT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >
>  > To get text to speech software, or PYTTS, this is the download page for
>  > the Text To Speech engine.
>  >
>  > North Carolina Assistive Technology Downloads:
>  >
>  What features does it have?
>  I also note that there's a program called PyFlite, which is a version of
>  the Festival speech synth program developed at CMU.
>  Table of Contents
>  Table of Contents
>  Everything
>  Packages
>  pyTTS
>  Modules
>  pyTTS.Pronounce
>  pyTTS.sapi
>  [
>  show private
>   | hide private]
>  Everything
>  Everything
>  All Classes
>  pyTTS.Pronounce.Pronounce
>  pyTTS.Pronounce.Translator
>  pyTTS.sapi.Base
>  pyTTS.sapi.SynthAndOutput
>  pyTTS.sapi.SynthOnly
>  pyTTS.sapi.VoiceEvent
>  pyTTS.sapi.VoiceEventManager
>  All Functions
>  Create
>  pyTTS
>  All Variables
>  tts_async
>  tts_default
>  tts_event_audio_level
>  tts_event_bookmark
>  tts_event_end_stream
>  tts_event_engine_private
>  tts_event_phoneme
>  tts_event_sentence
>  tts_event_start_stream
>  tts_event_viseme
>  tts_event_voice_change
>  tts_event_word
>  tts_is_filename
>  tts_is_not_xml
>  tts_is_xml
>  tts_misspelled
>  tts_nlp_speak_punc
>  tts_persist_xml
>  tts_phonetic
>  tts_purge_before_speak
>  [
>  show private
>   | hide private]
>  pyTTS
>    Home
>  Trees
>  Index
>  Help
>  pyTTS
>  Package pyTTS
>  [
>  show private
>   | hide private]
>  [
>  frames
>   |
>  no frames
>  ]
>  Package pyTTS
>  Submodules
>  Pronounce
>  : Defines classes that aid in pronunciation correction and the building of
>  pronunciation
>  dictionaries.
>  sapi
>  : Defines classes for using the Microsoft Speech API.
>  Function Summary
>  Create
>  (api, output)
>  Create a new instance of the named speech API.
>  pyTTS
>  (*args, **kwargs)
>  Deprecated.
>  Function Details
>  Create(api='SAPI', output=True)
>  Create a new instance of the named speech API.
>  Parameters:
>  api - Name of speech API (currently only SAPI)
>            (type=string)
>  output - Should synthesized speech be played?
>            (type=boolean)
>  pyTTS(*args, **kwargs)
>  Deprecated. Use Create instead.
>    Home
>  Trees
>  Index
>  Help
>  pyTTS
>  Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Fri Feb 18 13:59:27 2005

Davy Mitchell
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Skype - daftspaniel                                

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