
I think our general approach has been to try and make the
documentation better until those FAQs disapear.

Feel free to start a FAQ in the wiki :)  That'd be cool.  Especially
since then documentation writers could look at the FAQ and figure out
which parts of the docs to improve.

I'm not such a fan of trying to regulate how people speak on mailing
lists though.

On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 10:07 AM, Dave LeCompte (really)
> Years ago, USENET groups and mailing lists would periodically post
>  Frequently Asked Questions lists to cut down on people repeatedly covering
>  old topics.
>  Such a thing might not be a bad idea for pygame-users, as we've had a lot
>  of similar questions come through over and over again. It might also be a
>  good place to write down some encouragements of acceptable behavior that
>  have more to do with the list specifically and not PyGame (e.g. quoting is
>  strongly encouraged, but edit your quotes to make it easy to read).
>  It might also help to post such a list on the pygame.org website, which
>  would help people find the answers to frequently asked questions with
>  their choice of search engines.
>  -Dave LeCompte

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