AlgoMantra wrote:

        That's like saying that an ocean liner isn't
        a ship because it wouldn't be able to get off
        the ground into the sea by itself.

It has the body of a lion, and the head of a lion,
but does that, in fact, make it a lion?

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spaceship (plural spaceships)

   1. A vehicle that flies through space. [1]

spaceship (-ship') n. a spacecraft, esp. if manned [2]

I should have confirmed my definitions before posting. I had heard the "space shuttle as the only true spaceship" comment on television once, probably by some NASA official. But since I have no reference to the original quote, and since "spaceship" and "spacecraft" appear interchangeable in common usage - do a lookup on spaceship in wikipedia - then the whole argument is moot. It should be noted that Orion is "NASA's new spaceship" [3]. So to tie this all back in with Pygame and game development in general, if someone writes an Apollo simulator it is perfectly valid to include it under a spaceship category.

[1] wiktionary: (last edited 10:01, 2 October 2007), though "*flies* through space" makes the definition questionable.

[2] Webster's New World Dictionary of American English, Third College Edition, Deluxe Color Edition, (c) 1991 by Simon and Schuster, Inc.

[3] (accessed March 5, 2008)

Lenard Lindstrom

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