On Windows the Python 2.5 distutils package can build two kinds of installer, the traditional Python installer executable and the newer Windows (msi) installer. It seems redundant to provide both kinds of installer so I wonder if there is a preference. I understand Vista has problems with the older Python installer and privilege escalation. Do msi installers have the same problem? Does the msi installer for Python work properly? Unfortunately I do not have access to Vista. So if anyone is willing to try a Pygame msi installer on Vista I would appreciate it. Everything is at Pygame 1.8.0rv4(5?). They are available at:


md5sums are:

e04e5fe68878e9805c0f1403869219c6 *pygame-1.8.0a2.win32-py2.5.msi
51b26c97adb5806ce7805fb2652a1a4a *pygame-1.8.0a2.win32-py2.4.msi
9cf4b851f14ba9b31305870956cf3838 *pygame-1.8.0rc4.win32-py2.5.exe
a784926817b02c31f355f33aa7adfd82 *pygame-1.8.0rc4.win32-py2.4.exe
5fa7fd94037ec0b63f8c791fe0518f31 *pygame-1.8-docs-setup.exe



Lenard Lindstrom

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