Yeah I was afraid of something like that. The constraints are the killer. It's really not that big of deal to translate AT&T<-->Intel inline code; I've done lots of it. I can do the translation for the next release.


Lenard Lindstrom wrote:
When you offered to write Intel versions of the AT&T code I looked for a way to automate some of the translation process. So I tried using the -masm=intel and -S compiler options to translate the inline assembly code and write it to an .s file. The inlined instructions were simply copied. So it is unlikely gcc can handle VC like __asm statements, where the compiler definitely needs to understand assembly code. The MSDN does say the VC compiler has a built in assembler. gcc compilers only generates assembly output for the next stage in the compilation process. So I tried compiling a simple assembly code example in MSDN which calls printf, and gcc C did not recognize the __asm keyword. Finally, I just found a mingw-users thread* where Thomas Heller of ctypes fame was looking for a inline assembly formated recognized by both gcc and VC. No luck. The advice was to use assembly files and a free assembler like NASM or as. Not helpful when distutils doe not directly support assembler files. This is not promising.


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