I looked into aggdraw a long time ago - I don't think it can operate
on buffers. So I don't think it can be done right now.

But even if it could be done right now, I'd still say that pygame
should get much better written in C/C++ drawing and rotation software
rendering code as a standard part of it's distro. I agree pygame
should be an SDL wrapper first, but pygame includes SDL_gfx which
provides mediocre drawing abilities and a pretty confusing and not
good rotozoom function, which a lot of pygame users try to use. Even
if people could get better drawing by finding and installing some
other extension, then passing buffer and pitch and semantic color
decriptions for their surface contents through to that extension for
drawing, I guarantee you the first instinct of the vast majority of
pygame users would be to utilize the included draw and transform

Basically the way I see it is pygame does drawing and transforming on
surfaces in software, but does not do any of that very well. Utilizing
part of the agg code could make those things that pygame already does
really fantastically great. So why not?

On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 6:08 PM, René Dudfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yeah, this could be done right now.
>  On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 12:01 PM, Douglas Bagnall
>  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >
>  > I've not used it (nor have I fully followed this thread) but Fredrik
>  > Lundh has written a python AGG wrapper[1] which works on PIL
>  > images and other arrays.
>  >
>  > Rather than bringing everything into pygame, it seems better to me to
>  > expose internal pygame arrays to external libraries, perhaps using the
>  > Numpy array interface[2], so people can draw using whatever they want.
>  > Assuming that using AGG already implies a software surface, there
>  > doesn't need to be any overhead in accessing the pixel data from outside
>  > of pygame.  Pygame doesn't really need to be anything but a good
>  > friendly SDL wrapper.
>  >
>  > probably missing something,
>  >
>  > Douglas
>  >
>  >
>  > [1]http://effbot.org/zone/aggdraw-index.htm
>  > [2]http://numpy.scipy.org/array_interface.shtml
>  >
>  >

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