Thanks,for your kind help

But, I am getting the coordinate (3000, 2000, 3400, 2400) from some others
tools and want to create the pygame.draw.rect (3000, 2000, 3400, 2400) to
show some information. I have create a Surface pygame.Surface ((4000, 3000))
and then tried to scale down it but the rectangle has not displayed in the
pygame window. Can anyone help me out? 


I have tried something like this

      screen = pygame.display.set_mode ((800,700))

      worksurf = pygame.Surface((4000,3000))

      pygame.draw.rect (worksurf, (255, 0, 0), (3000, 2000, 3400, 2400), 1)

      screen.blit (worksurf, (0, 0)))

      newSurf = pygame.transform.scale (worksurf, (800,700)) #scale down

      screen.blit (newSurf, (0, 0)))



Nick Moffitt:

> The has the classes that do the transformations


My bad. is the file that actually

does the coordinate transformations (but remember that positive Y is

down on the screen)



"Ill-informed qmail-bashing is better than no           Nick Moffitt

qmail-bashing at all."                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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