On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 10:01 AM, Ian Mallett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --But, if the graphics are always going to be at a set resolution, then it
> is more correct to keep your images in a lower (or higher) resolution to
> begin with.

The OP was asking for the option to let users choose the resolution,
so this isn't an option.  I would say to target the smallest
resolution, and at that level have no scaling.  The point of the low
resolution is for the fastest framerate.  For higher resolutions
either scale your images up beforehand, or scale them right after
pygame.image.load().  In drawing code, make sure you abstract the
resolution out of it.  You could scale all x,y values by same amount,
where the lowest resolution would have a scale of 1.0.  There are
probably other options as well.

Or switch to opengl, where the problem vanishes :)

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