I'm 99.9% sure that error has nothing to do with Py2Exe at all.

It seems the system that has the problem must not like something about the
way glTexImage2D was called in that case - GL errors like you see there come
from the drivers. I would guess that it is that you are using a non
power-of-2 texture size (a bad thing to do if you didn't explicitly check
for support and you care at all about compatibility)

On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 8:31 PM, Astan Chee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a python script that uses wx, pygame and pyopengl. I've combined wx
> and pygame similar to http://wiki.wxpython.org/IntegratingPyGame (in
> windows) and the pygame has a separate thread. The pygame part of it uses
> pyopengl for a display window and to load images. When I create a .exe from
> this script, the executable works fine on the pc that i compiled it on (my
> one), but it wont run anywhere else; even ones that are almost identical
> build to mine (it doesnt have python, pygame or pyopengl installed). It
> gives me a wierd error that I dont know what it means. Does anyone know what
> might cause it? or how do I debug these problems? Why would it work on my pc
> and not anywhere else?
> Thanks for any help
> It gives me the following error:
> Unhandled exception in thread started by
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "wxSolOutWindow.py", line 637, in Run
>  File "wxSolOutWindow.py", line 152, in Inited
>  File "wxSolOutWindow.py", line 241, in ObjMain
>  File "c:\Documents and
> Settings\$USER\Desktop\2\dist\PyOpenGL-3.0.0b1-py2.5.egg\OpenGL\wrapper.py",
> line 1624 in __call__
>  File "c:\Documents and
> Settings\$USER\Desktop\2\dist\PyOpenGL-3.0.0b1-py2.5.egg\OpenGL\wrapper.py",
> line 924 in wrapperCall
> OpenGL.error.GLError: GLError(
>  err = 1281,
>  description = 'invalid value',
>  baseOperation = glTexImage2D,
>  pyArgs = [
>     GL_TEXTURE_2D,
>     0,
>     GL_RGBA,
>     750,
>     750,
>     0,
>     GL_RGBA,
>     '\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00...
>  ],
>  cArgs = [
>     GL_TEXTURE_2D,
>     0,
>     GL_RGBA,
>     750,
>     750,
>     0,
>     GL_RGBA,
>     '\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00...
>  ],
>  cArguments = (
>     GL_TEXTURE_2D,
>     0,
>     GL_RGBA,
>     750,
>     750,
>     0,
>     GL_RGBA,
>     c_void_p(146210868),
>  )
> )
> --
> "Formulations of number theory: Complete, Consistent, Non-trivial. Choose
> two."
> Animal Logic
> http://www.animallogic.com
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