I think I may have a crack at modifying run_tests.py to have an option to isolate each TestCase in it's own process.

Lenard Lindstrom wrote:
You are right. Something strange is happening. Now image__save_gl_surface_test.py fails for me for both Pythons 2.4 and 2.5:

>python run_tests.py
loading color_test
loading blit_test
loading mask_test
loading rect_test
loading display_test
loading font_test
loading sprite_test
loading base_test
loading transform_test
loading surfarray_test
loading movie_test
loading pixelarray_test
loading image_test
loading sndarray_test
loading mixer_test
loading key_test
loading surface_test
loading surflock_test
loading image__save_gl_surface_test
................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................
ERROR: test_image_save_works_with_opengl_surfaces (image__save_gl_surface_test.G
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test\image__save_gl_surface_test.py", line 7, in test_image_save_works_w
   screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640,480), OPENGL|DOUBLEBUF)
error: No available video device

Ran 264 tests in 15.380s

FAILED (errors=1)

Yet image__save_gl_surface_test.py passes when run alone. We may be seeing another invalid memory access like the one that caused pixelarray_test.py to fail ( http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.pygame/13090/match=pixelarray%5ftest ).


Nicholas Dudfield wrote:


see post re: Tests crashing Automatic Build page + Compiling PyGame on Windows

The build posted is failing tests here. Can you confirm everything is "OK" your end?

I suspect you are getting a false pass due to a buggy test crashing the test runner.

I have updated the Windows installers on my site for Pygame 1.8.1 pre-release (SVN 1376). This version passes all unit tests so far. I have also updated the documents and examples installer and bundle. Everything can be found at http://www3.telus.net/len_l/pygame/ .

md5 sums:
0dc5d7b44868151939c4265f9daacb4c *pygame-1.8.1a0.win32-py2.4.msi

17bfbec6ed6f2cbb47de28b1697561c7 *pygame-1.8.1a0.win32-py2.5.msi

e3f34c47bdbc05a0c89d9291e5e1d6b9 *pygame-1.8-docs-and-examples.tar.gz

0b4e147125ece2efbbd0223d6a7cc71f *pygame-1.8-docs-setup.exe

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