2008/6/30 Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> No. LGPL is "if you change our stuff and redistribute it, you must
> redistribute the changes to our stuff, oh and feel free to relicense under
> GPL".
>> GPL is "use and alter but only if the derivative is free."
> No. GPL is "if you use our stuff and are dependent on it your stuff must be
> GPL".
This is a common misunderstanding, you don't have to license something
under *gpl just because you are _using_ something *gpl on it. You can
create privative software using gpl libraries and utilities as long as
you distribute them under the same license.

What you can't do is modify something under *gpl and distribute it
under a privative license
>> AGPL is "use but whatever you make must be AGPL."
> Assuming you mean Affero GPL. AGPL is "if you use our stuff in a webservice,
> your stuff must also be AGPL, and must provide an offer for the source of
> both your and our stuff"
Again, not using, but distributing a modified version

>> Artistic is "use but alter only with permission."
> Artistic is pretty much "share and enjoy - and try to play nicely please".
> (ish)
>> BSD is "use it for whatever."
> BSD is "credit me and if you redistribute the source, don't remove my headers
> saying this, but don't feel you have to redistribute any source - yours or
> mine."
> BSD and LGPL are very close in that if you don't modify the source that you
> recieve you can use it as a library and /largely/ ignore licensing issues. If
> your tendency is to credit anyone who you get code from, that makes it
> trivial to comply with their conditions.
> If your natural tendency is to share your code changes, but don't want to
> impose your license on others, then the BSD & LGPL license have the advantage
> of being widely used and understood meaning your code's license will play
> nicely and interoperate with other code's licensing.
> The exception is if your code is in perl, in which case people should
> generally use the artistic license (if they want that general kind of
> license), since it's really designed with perl in mind.
> Michael.

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