techtonik wrote:
On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 6:50 PM, Lenard Lindstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Pygame is a multi-platform package organized for Python distutils.
Distutuils has a dbist_msi option used to build the Windows installers. It

So it is distutils that should be fixed?

It is not so much that it is broken as incomplete. distutils is designed so the setup file can be platform and installer agnostic. In an .msi database the project and each file is assigned an identifier, one of those 128 bit guids. For .msi to recognize a project as an upgrade the same at least the same project identifier must be used. But distutils generates all GUIDs on the fly, so they are different for each .msi file created. Distutils lacks a means to specify GUIDs. A good portion of the .msi builder would have to be duplicated to do it. Even if it were done now it doesn't help with all the previous .msi installed Pygame 1.8 revisions, not to mention the Pygame 1.7 .exe installer. Of course I could be wrong. My understanding of .msi is sketchy. If an .msi expert can give me advice I would appreciate it.

Anyway the Pygame
.msi installer has been fixed so it will installer overtop a previous Pygame
version and delete obsolete files.

And what happens if I call uninstaller for old library version - will
it kill files from new version?

It will kill the files from the new version. Possibly I can write a registry cleanup tool. I will look into it.

Lenard Lindstrom

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