Hi Gonzalo

self.containers is a list that holds all the sprite's groups
'Player.containers = group1, group2, group3, etc.' defines that value below

'image.get_rect' creates a pygame Rect the size of the image, and the
'midleft=(10,240)' positions the midleft of the rect at 10,240 on the screen

Rect(self.rect) creates a rect of the rect. It's used for collisions :P

Hope this helps :-)

On Sat, Aug 9, 2008 at 4:17 AM, Gonzalo Castro <

> Hello everybody!
> I'm starting with pygame... It's being difficoult... it's the first
> time I program with objects ;)
> So... could you help me with this functions? I couldn't find the
> answer in the online help of python (yes, importing pygame previously)
> #Some of code from class Player ;)
> class Player(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
>    def __init__(self):
>        pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self, self.containers) #self.
> containers??? what does that?
>        self.image = pygame.Surface((16, 64))
>        self.image.fill((255, 255, 255), (2, 0, 12, 64))
>        self.image.fill((255, 255, 255), (0, 2, 16, 60))
>        self.rect = self.image.get_rect(midleft = (10, 240))
> #image.get_rect??? and you asign a value to midleft?
>        self._rect = Rect(self.rect)
>           #function Rect? convert to rect type maybe??
> #End of code
> Sorry about my english, I'm spaniard and I still have to improve it.
> Thanks a lot :)
> PD: this class it's taken from PyMike's pong game

- pymike (http://pymike.pyedpypers.org/)

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