
well, I dont think that sprites are of help here, because nearly the entire screen has to be redrawn (because of the scroll), so a fullscreen redraw is faster.

I just have rewritten some parts of it, just for testing, to use the internal timer to draw at 30fps, and it is marginally using less cpu than using the pygame.time.Clock() (see attachement).
Maybe the timer is not that precise as the clock.

Here my results (on a Pentium M 1.5GHz, 2 GB ram, Winxp Sp2, python 2.5, pygame 1.8, pyglet1.2dev, rabbyt 0.7.5b):

shadow-pygame.py    ~80% cpu
shadow-pygame-alternate.py ~18% cpu
shadow-pygame-alternate2.py ~17% cpu
shadow-pyglet.py ~32% cpu
shadow-pyglet-rabbyt.py ~30% cpu (difficult to say, because it changed between 4% and 40% all the time)

The numbers can be wrong, because I had to more or less estimate an average over the short period I run the demos.
The shadow-pyglet-rabbyt.py can not be terminated like the others.


René Dudfield schrieb:

Cool, that's pretty good.  Still could use some improving though.

DR0ID: feel like converting the example to use your sprite dirty layer classes?

Other interesting measurements would be:
- memory usage.
- computer temperature at the start of the test, and after X minutes
of running (maybe 5 minutes).
- battery drain after 1 hour of running.

One fun trick is to start the music playing before you bring the
window up, and before you start loading the images.  That way they
hear the music first, whilst things are loading.  so to do that, move
the music stuff above the set_mode call.


On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 8:31 AM, Python Nutter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thank you for the update Rene,

I have renamed it to shadow-pygame-alternate.py

I re-ran the tests, there is a CPU use reduction, but not as drastic,
but the initialisation is a lot faster and very much improved =)

CPU use of shadow-pygame-alternate.py is now averaging 43% CPU on the
same system used in the previous tests in this post. Initialisation of
the Pygame window is almost instantaneous.

I have yet to test the modified Pygame version on the Linux and Core 2
Duo Macbook Pro systems.


#!/usr/bin/env python

# Shadow of the Beast
# Original port to pygame by Sebastian-Torsten Tillmann

# Little nostalgia for Amiga owners
# This is a quick little hack showing how to do some parallax scrolling and
# playing some music

import os, sys, pygame, random
from pygame.locals import *


screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480))
pygame.display.set_caption("Shadow of the Beast")

def load_image(fn_alpha):
    fn,alpha = fn_alpha
    if alpha:
        return pygame.image.load(os.path.join("resources", fn)).convert_alpha()
        return pygame.image.load(os.path.join("resources", fn)).convert()

if hasattr(pygame, "threads"):
    tmap = pygame.threads.tmap
    tmap = map
surfs = tmap(load_image,[("sky.png",0),     ("mountains.png",0), 
                        ("ground2.png",0), ("ground3.png",0),   
                        ("clouds2.png",1), ("clouds3.png",1),   
                        ("barrier.png",1), ("titlecredit.png",1), 
s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,s10,s11,s12,s13 = surfs

pygame.mixer.music.load(os.path.join("resources", "remix.ogg"))


# Define the initial scrolling values
xspeed = 2
xscroll5 = random.random() % 640 + 640
xscroll5b = random.random() % 640 + 640

xscroll, xscrollb, xscroll1, xscroll2, xscroll3, xscroll4, xscroll6 = 

clock = pygame.time.Clock()

going = True

def draw(events):
    for event in events:
        if event.type == QUIT:
            global going
            going = False
        elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE:
            going = False
        elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_f:
        elif event.type == 31:
            global xscroll, xscrollb, xscroll1, xscroll2, xscroll3, xscroll4, 
xscroll6, xscroll5, xscroll5b, xspeed
            xscroll = xscroll + xspeed

            if xscroll == 320:
                xspeed = -2

            if xscroll == -960:
                xspeed = 2

            xscrollb = xscroll

            if xscrollb < -640:
                xscrollb = -640

            if xscrollb > 0:
                xscrollb = 0

            xscroll1 = xscroll1 - 1

            if xscroll1 == -640:
                xscroll1 = 0

            xscroll2 = xscroll2 - 2

            if xscroll2 == -640:
                xscroll2 = 0

            xscroll3 = xscroll3 - 3

            if xscroll3 < -640:
                xscroll3 = xscroll3 + 640

            xscroll4 = xscroll4 - 4

            if xscroll4 < -640:
                xscroll4 = xscroll4 + 640

            xscroll5 = xscroll5 - 5

            if xscroll5 < -640:
                xscroll5 = xscroll5 + 1280

            xscroll5b = xscroll5b - 2

            if xscroll5b < -640:
                xscroll5b = xscroll5b + 1280

            xscroll6 = xscroll6 - 5

            if xscroll6 < -640:
                xscroll6 = xscroll6 + 640

            # Paste the images
            screen.blit(s1, (0, 0))
            screen.blit(s2, (xscroll1, 200))
            screen.blit(s2, (xscroll1 + 640, 200))
            screen.blit(s3, (xscroll2, 420))
            screen.blit(s3, (xscroll2 + 640, 420))
            screen.blit(s4, (xscroll3, 430))
            screen.blit(s4, (xscroll3 + 640, 430))
            screen.blit(s5, (xscroll4, 450))
            screen.blit(s5, (xscroll4 + 640, 450))
            screen.blit(s10, (xscroll5, 440))
            screen.blit(s6, (xscroll6, 0))
            screen.blit(s6, (xscroll6 + 640, 0))
            screen.blit(s7, (xscroll4, 82))
            screen.blit(s7, (xscroll4 + 640, 82))
            screen.blit(s8, (xscroll3, 120))
            screen.blit(s8, (xscroll3 + 640, 120))
            screen.blit(s9, (xscroll2, 138))
            screen.blit(s9, (xscroll2 + 640, 138))
            screen.blit(s12, (xscroll5b, 140))
            screen.blit(s11, (xscrollb, 0))
            screen.blit(s13, (xscrollb + 640, 0))

            # This makes the changes visible
#            clock.tick(30)

# Loop until the user hits escape
pygame.time.set_timer(31, int(round((1000.0/30.0))))
while going:
    event = pygame.event.wait()


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