Ok, I tried this in the python code itself and it says "Operation not
permitted" on ubuntu. I suppose its unlikely to be able to run as
another user without asking for the root password.

I cant think of any good way to make it perfectly secure while keeping
the cross platform capability and not having to significantly modify
all the pygame's. The source code to games will be available and I
suppose the community can find and report bad scripts.

On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 9:10 PM, Dan Krol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Er, I forgot to add that part of my idea included running the thing in
> its own user, so your other files were safe. I wonder if Ubuntu would
> want to automatically set up something like that when you install it?
> On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 3:06 PM, Dan Krol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Ah userland, excellent. I was also thinking about keeping it in
>> userland when I was thinking about this concept. That way, you
>> wouldn't even need to trust the repo very much.
>> Again, awesome.
>> On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 2:48 PM, Richie Ward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> It will be up to the repo to moderate the security of packages.
>>> I plan to have a policy of moderation on my own repository, once its ready.
>>> I will give moderation privileges to trusted and experienced python
>>> programmers, and ban people that abuse it. Anyone is free to set up
>>> their own game repository though!
>>> It runs entirely in userland, it does not need administrator
>>> privileges. It does not use python's site-packages system.
>>> I plan to have a sophisticated searching system including tags, so
>>> pyweek games can have a pyweek tag and their website could instruct
>>> their users to search for a tag, adventure games get a adventure tag
>>> etc...
>>> Other plans include translation into other languages.
>>> Perhaps i could think of a way to allow more than one picture,
>>> dropdown box maybe? or maybe you click it and it shows next one like a
>>> slideshow. I want to keep the GUI simple, accessible and easy to use.
>>> Also remember, this isnt just for Linux but I have plans to get it
>>> packaged into ubuntu :)
>>> On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 7:43 PM, Dan Krol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> This is fantastic, I didn't know this was in the works. I was always
>>>> thinking, for open source games to take off, there needs to be a good
>>>> catalog of games that people can browse, and it has to be flashy, but
>>>> it has to show off the big advantage of open source games, which is
>>>> that unlike other catalogs (like Steam), you can download it and play
>>>> the whole thing, right now.
>>>> For it to be attractive to users, though, I think It would be really
>>>> nice if the games were categorized, had nice screenshots, etc. It
>>>> should be like an advertisement, so people will be likely to check it
>>>> out. But that's just my take.
>>>> The only question I have is, is there any regard for security? Are the
>>>> games being looked over before they're added to the repo? Etc. I'm
>>>> perhaps naive and overly worried, I'm not familiar with how carefully
>>>> Linux distros (for instance) usually handle this sort of thing.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Dan
>>>> On Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 12:57 PM, Noah Kantrowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Not to point out the obvious or anything, but why would you not just use
>>>>> pygame.org, which already has a big database of games. Just add an API for
>>>>> getting the metadata you need and be done with it.
>>>>> --Noah
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> On Behalf Of Richie Ward
>>>>>> Sent: Friday, August 15, 2008 10:25 AM
>>>>>> To: pygame-users@seul.org
>>>>>> Subject: [pygame] PyGameDB coming along well
>>>>>> The PyGameDB project which has similarity's to the commercial platform
>>>>>> "Steam" is coming to a usable state.
>>>>>> It is programmed in Python + WxPython.
>>>>>> It works by adding the game to sys.path and importing the game (very
>>>>>> simplified way to put it).
>>>>>> It uses a XML file to get a list of PyGame's. It will also work with
>>>>>> other types of python games, including opengl based ones, as long as
>>>>>> they are open source.
>>>>>> A huge feature is that it will make it easy to deploy pygame's since
>>>>>> you do not need to package them as a .exe.
>>>>>> It allows anyone to make a game repository, the XML file url can be
>>>>>> set inside the application!
>>>>>> I am currently looking for help with:
>>>>>> * The pygamedb-server which is a website programmed in cherrypy or
>>>>>> pylons which will allow people to submit/upload games and generates
>>>>>> the resulting xml file.
>>>>>> * Beta testers for the client and someone that can test it on Mac OSX
>>>>>> * Someone to make me a pygamedb logo, I am useless with graphics!
>>>>>> * Someone with knowlege of WxPython thats willing to help with the
>>>>>> client gui.
>>>>>> The project is currently missing a big feature, dependency/library
>>>>>> support (It ignores that in the xml file right now). That will be
>>>>>> finished very soon.
>>>>>> You can see a screenshot here:
>>>>>> http://richies.googlepages.com/Screenshot-1.png
>>>>>> The test repo is hosted here: http://pygamedb.4rensics.org/
>>>>>> The test XML Data file  is here:
>>>>>> http://pygamedb.4rensics.org/pygamedb.xml
>>>>>> I plan to get a domain name once pygamedb-server is done.. pygamedb.org
>>>>>> maybe?
>>>>>> Getting it
>>>>>> =======
>>>>>> The project lives at: https://launchpad.net/pygamedb
>>>>>> Windows
>>>>>> http://launchpad.net/bzr/1.6/1.6beta3/+download/bzr-setup-1.6b3.exe
>>>>>> http://downloads.sourceforge.net/wxpython/wxPython2.8-win32-unicode-
>>>>>> http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=78018
>>>>>> Install all of the above.
>>>>>> Debian/Ubuntu
>>>>>> python-wxgtk2.8, bzr
>>>>>> Once you installed that, Run this command:
>>>>>> bzr branch lp:pygamedb
>>>>>> Running it
>>>>>> =======
>>>>>> Windows
>>>>>> rename pygamedb to pygamedb.py and then run it.
>>>>>> On all other os's just run pygamedb
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Thanks, Richie Ward
>>> --
>>> Thanks, Richie Ward

Thanks, Richie Ward

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