On, Sat Aug 16, 2008, Peter Gebauer wrote:

> Hi there, Hugo!
> Yes, using radians in math-related softare is common, but not in games.
> It will simply add a call the math.degrees for every call and to increment
> the angle you'd have to convert it back, or be forced to use radians
> in the game. If you're drawing using OpenGL or any rotational
> transformations it will be a lot of calls. I see it as more comfortable when 
> the angles use degrees since graphic drawing is more common than in a game
> than asin/atan calls.
> It will also be a miniscule performance enhancenment to do this in C
> rather than Python which will add up if you do this conversion many times
> for each polygon you draw. :)
> So, it's more comfortable to use degrees and it's better suited for use with 
> graphic libraries, which mostly use degrees, including 
> pygame.transform.rotate.


Seconded. As doing a degrees to radians "just" adds a float
multiplication and division, it should not be a big deal. I'll add that
to the TODO list.


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