  Nice idea and suggestion! Thank you.
  First, "3. Algorithm For particle simulation *****DONE*******" in TODOLIST is 
a step in todolist of previous coding phase. particle simulation is very simple 
and implemented at beginning(not need to consider shape and constraint).
  Second, in fact, air friction has already been added by a simple damping 
algorithm (body.linear_vel_damping and body.angle_vel_damping). I also add a 
new test case (test5.py), it's a chain simulation with damping of velocity 
enabled. you can compare it with test4.py. :-)
  Best wishes
  Zhang Fan

Peter Gebauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写道:

I have a new question as well. :)

>From the todo: 3. Algorithm For particle simulation *****DONE*******
What is it? Bodies with a single point shape?

I've already done a dozen experiments with the latest svn updates, 
everything looks excellent so far. I'm really impressed with Zhang Fan's 
effort. Your assistance is also appreciated. Good work guys!

I see in the quote the issue of falling through other bodies, it is relevant 
to the "fluid" discussion as well. It would probably prove valuable to have 
friction in "air" as well simply to get a terminal velocity.
I'm working on a fluid solution that would intergate nicely with solids, 
this still involves changing the behavior of a collision between two bodies.
>From what I've gathered, implementing a rudementary dynamic viscosity for 
netwonian fluids based on friction (or a separate attribute for viscosity 
where 0.0 is vacuum and 1.0 is a solid) wouldn't be that hard.


On 2008-08-15 (Fri) 15:33, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Peter Gebauer 
>> Hi again!
>> Should have waited with my previous post, but here's a few things I don't
>> understand:
>> 1) if the mass of a static body is under 1.0 it behaves as a semi-solid,
>> is this intentional? (i.e other bodies fall "into" the static body and with
>> mass reaching 0.0 they fall right through)
>> In test3.py, set the static body mass to 0.1, as an example.
> This is due to the fact, that the current collision algorithm is not a CCD
> method. Thus the collision detection highly depends on the step time, size
> and speed of a body. Other systems, which do not implement a CCD, suffer from
> the same issue. Zhang Fan wrote a lot about that in pgShapeObject.c.
> In order to get rid of that, you have to choose matching step times, sizes
> and the speed for bodies according to your simulation needs - at least as
> long as there is no CCD algorithm implemented :-).
>> 2) is there a way to get simulated bouncing? If there was a way to describe
>> how much energy the object retains (in new direction) after collision, a
>> float between 0.0 and 1.0 (0-100% energy retained, 0.01 would be a rock and
>> 0.5 would be more of a tennis ball)?
> Simulated bouncing is implemented already. The collision energy, and how it
> is applied on the colliding bodies, depends on the restitution set for them.
> So, whether you will receive an elastic or inelastic collision, depends on
> that factor. A quick search for "Coefficient of restitution" and
> "elastic collisions" will provide you tons of explanations and even some
> values for different materials.
> Attached you'll find a small bouncing test script.
>> 3) can we add bouyancy? :) Body 1 is called "floater" and Body 2 is called
>> "water", if floater is inside water it should, depending on it'
>> displacement, either pop back up or sink to the bottom. We would
>> be able to calculate this with the already existing shape, mass and friction
>> attributes, but it would probably require a new boolean attribute, maybe
>> "solid"?
> Here's how I'd do it.
> * create a World with relatively high damping, the gravity vector points to
> the top (e.g. world.gravity = 0, -3).
> * place body into that world with a certain damping, mass, etc.
> * have fun watching the simulation.
> Limiting the world's area would be left to the user. As you can have multiple
> worlds, which behave completely different, you could e.g. split the screen
> into "sky" and "sea", being two different worlds. If the body reaches a
> certain point, you could remove it from "sea" and add it to "sky"
> (which reminds of adding remove_* methods, so wait 'til the end of the
> weekend before doing that ;-).
> Simulating a varying density of the world would require a slightly
> different approach for worlds. Currently the world does not know anything
> about its size and such, that however would be necessary, I think.
> Regards
> Marcus

> # The python file is under test
> import pygame
> import physics
> from pygame.locals import *
> def render_body(body,surface,color):
> l = body.get_points()
> pygame.draw.polygon(surface,color,l)
> def render_world(world,surface,color):
> for body in world.bodies:
> render_body(body,surface,color)
> def init_world():
> w = physics.World()
> w.gravity = 0, 2
> body1 = physics.Body()
> body1.shape = physics.RectShape(30, 28, 0)
> body1.position = 400, 40
> body1.rotation = i
> body1.restitution = 0.9
> body1.mass = 20
> w.add_body(body1)
> body2 = physics.Body()
> body2.shape = physics.RectShape (760, 20, 0)
> body2.position = 400, 600
> body2.restitution = 1.0
> body2.mass = 1e100
> body2.static = True
> w.add_body(body2)
> return w
> def main():
> """this function is called when the program starts.
> it initializes everything it needs, then runs in
> a loop until the function returns."""
> #Initialize Everything
> pygame.init()
> screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 800))
> pygame.display.set_caption('physics test')
> #Create The Backgound
> background = pygame.Surface(screen.get_size())
> background = background.convert()
> background.fill((0,0,0))
> #Display The Background
> screen.blit(background, (0, 0))
> pygame.display.flip()
> #Prepare Game Objects
> clock = pygame.time.Clock()
> #rect = pygame.Rect(0,0,20,20)
> #pointlist = [(0,10),(10,0),(0,0)]
> white = 0, 250, 250
> theta = 0
> world = init_world()
> #Main Loop
> while 1:
> # t = clock.tick(60)
> # t = t/1000.0;
> world.update(0.02)
> #Handle Input Events
> for event in pygame.event.get():
> if event.type == QUIT:
> quit()
> elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE:
> return
> elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
> return
> elif event.type is MOUSEBUTTONUP:
> return
> #Draw Everything
> background.fill((0,0,0))
> #print world.body_list[0]
> render_world(world,background,white)
> screen.blit(background, (0, 0))
> pygame.display.flip()
> #Game Over
> #this calls the 'main' function when this script is executed
> if __name__ == '__main__': main()


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